~ Overview of Spring 3.1 ~
If you use Spring Framework for your daily technology needs, then you should be watching the talk by Chris Beams - Modern enterprise application configuration with Spring. Following is the summary of the talk if you cannot watch for 50 mins.
Spring has evolved a lot over time from 1.0 to 3.1
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Spring 3.x != Spring Framework
Spring 3.1 == { Framework, Security, Integration, Batch, Data, Social, Roo, WebFlow, AQMP, REST, MVC, ... }
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Spring 3.1 |
Some of the major feature additions to Spring 3.1
- Code based configurations. Yes, configurations can now be completely done {100%} via Annotations.
- One can even configure Java Web Application without web.xml if you are following Servlet 3.0 spec + Java 7.0 + Tomcat 7.* || Jetty 8.x {Container which supports Servlet 3.0}
- An ORM framework like Hibernate can now be configured without XML w/ Hibernate 4+
- XML is over. Don't worry Spring is STILL gonna support it
- You can now *Enable* a specific Spring Component or Custom Component w/ Annotation called @Configuration
- Any developer would have come across many times to load properties from property file, database table, Tomcat Server, JVM Args, etc. Spring now introduces *Environment & PropertySources* Environment.getProperty("") gets us the data; can re-order, add, etc ;)
- Bean definition Profiles is another good addition. I would love to use this for handling configuration of different deployments - Dev, UAT, Stage, Production. Have been waiting for this feature!!!
- They even support Testing support for @Configuration
- Scala finds its way into Spring now. Time to learn Scala at some point of 2013
- Builds of Spring Framework has been moved to Gradle. Maven was good enough. Gotta read up on Gradle too.
References: Chris Beams {Twitter} | Different Styles of DI {Git}| Spring Framework {Git}
Labels: Chris_Beams, Gradle, Servlet3.0, Spring3.1
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