Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Site of the week:TechCrunch

Sometime back there was so much noise about Web 2.0 & i guess all the noises are valid. Web 2.0 is all about convergence & developing software and services for on-demand future. Here is this weblog called "TechCrunch -Tracking Web2.0" which is dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new web 2.0 products and companies.

I enjoyed browsing the site & i hope u would enjoy it as well.

Update: Michael Arrington who writes for TechCrunch also has an informal collection of thoughts on Web 2.0 @ CrunchNotes.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bug in IE or Windows OS?

Create a folder on the desktop and name it "Notepad", open any webpage in IE and see its view source....AMAZING !!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Software Evolution

I had not heard about "Software Evolution", a common phrase in the research area of Software engineeringbefore untill i found this Keynote Talk by Mr Mehdi Jazayeri on 'Software Evolution' called "Species evolve, individuals age". It is a must read article for anyone who is in anyway realted with software development.

I like the way Mr Mehdi says, "It is not the software that Evolves, rather our knowledge about a particular type of software".

For more read here.

Source: Distributed Systems Group, Technical University of Vienna.

Web Services Glossary

Found this interesting Glossary on Web Services on W3 site. It contains a list of Web services terms that are part of a coherent framework defined in the Web Services Architecture.

I found it very useful and thought of sharing the same.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

UN finally unveils $100 laptop

Its good to know that $100 laptops are finally available and I wish it would bring the much needed change as per the end goal of the project, i.e. narrowing the technology gap between the rich & poor.

For more on this check here.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Site of the week : ZDNet

The Caption of ZDNet says it all 'Where Technology meets Business', it truly lives upto that. I am not sure how many of u actually hit ZDNet regularly, if u aren't then all i can say is u are missing much of the buzz from both 'Technology' & 'Business' worlds.

Till recently i was just hitting their blogs & news sections. Today, i discovered they have amazing whiteboard sessions. I really enjoyed the whiteboard sessions, as they are rich in information, crisp & to the point. I just went through few of them What is SOA?, RFID Vs SmartCards & Google Tiles, they are really worth watching.

Source: ZDNet
Technorati: | |

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Has your company carded u yet?

Microsoft employees are carded. If u don't get what i am talking about, then read this article to understand what i mean by 'Carded'.

Source: RedmondMag | Technorati:

Women & Techonlogy

Interesting combination!


My Latest Article on WSBPEL

Here is another article on JavaWorld; the article is on WSBPEL, which one of the emerging languages in the Web Services world. In this article, we cover the basics of the language, the engine architecture and also how we could use XQuery & XML Database. You could click here to read the article.

Update: BPEL has a human side | BPEL gets bopped again