Update Google Reader: See personalized trends
Over the past years we have seen Google launch Google Trends - which analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time & display the result as graphs. Last year after the launch of GTalk, Google intergrated Trends with GTalk & called it Music Trends - which captures information about the music GTalk users are currently listening to from their music player.
After breathing life into their Reader during the last quarter of 2006, in 2007 they have introduced Personalized Trends into Reader. I love this new feature, which gives an overview of my reading pattern over the last 30 days. The feature is classified as Reading Trends, Subscription Trends and finally the Graphs.
Reading Trends
They are classified under three categories Read, Starred & Shared. Each category can be listed as Top 10 | Top 20 | Top 40.
Subscription Trends
This one shows the frequently updated feeds & the inactive feeds.
Coolest feature, which gives me a snapshot of my reading pattern over the past 30 days, time of day & which day of the week I spend reading the most.
After breathing life into their Reader during the last quarter of 2006, in 2007 they have introduced Personalized Trends into Reader. I love this new feature, which gives an overview of my reading pattern over the last 30 days. The feature is classified as Reading Trends, Subscription Trends and finally the Graphs.
Reading Trends
They are classified under three categories Read, Starred & Shared. Each category can be listed as Top 10 | Top 20 | Top 40.
Subscription Trends
This one shows the frequently updated feeds & the inactive feeds.
Coolest feature, which gives me a snapshot of my reading pattern over the past 30 days, time of day & which day of the week I spend reading the most.